Stream urls of Austrias public radios

(For english version please scroll down a bit!)

German: Da ich schon �fter nach Urls gesucht habe, �ber die man die �ffentlich-rechtlichen Radioprogramme �sterreichs per Stream empfangen kann und nun endlich die Liste entdeckt habe (ua. hier), m�chte ich euch diese nat�rlich nicht vorenthalten. Nachfolgend findet ihr alle (momentan) aktiven Shoutcast-Urls der Sender, sowie die direkten Stream-Urls, die zum Empfang n�tig sind.

English: Because I've already been searching several times for the urls of the austrian publicly funded radio stations where you can receive the programs via streaming and I've finally found them now (among others here), I'd like to share them with you. Below you find the list of all (currently) active Shoutcast-urls of the radios as well as the direct stream-links which are required for receiving the streams.

Complete ORF webradio list--
Ö1 Liveradio
Ö1 Campus / Radio 1476
Ö1 Inforadio
Hitradio Ö3
Radio Wien
Radio NÖ
Radio OÖhttp://
Radio Salzburghttp://
Radio Burgenlandhttp://
Radio Steiermark
Radio Kärntenhttp://
Slovenski spored--64kbps
Radio Vorarlberghttp://
Radio Tirol

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Soundportal is not one of Austrias publicly funded radio stations, which this list is about, because the ORF does not list the available stream links at a common (or even findable) location.

Soundportal instead has a very good webpage where all possibilities are listed and described, I wished the ORF would bring up a webpage like this...

I just wanted to add some more information... You could as well widen your list... There are so many radio stations that do not belong to the ORF's monopoly...

I'll keep that thought in my head. Maybe I'll create a posting one day with all austrian radio stations, not just the publicly funded ones.